
Zino Nicaragua Toro Cigar

0 out of 5

Zino Davidoff, a daring innovator and trailblazer in the cigar industry, had a profound love for exploring life's richness. Drawing inspiration from his dynamic personality, we've introduced a cigar line that embodies his zest for living to the fullest. This toro cigar captivates from the moment you lay eyes on it. Enveloped in a gentle, silky Connecticut wrapper, it's easily ignited. The initial draws reveal hints of wood, earthiness, and spices. Gradually, the pace quickens, and the flavors intensify, unveiling nuances of leather and spices. The final third becomes more indulgent, with notes of cocoa and creamy coffee. This medium-strength cigar offers a rich and gratifying aroma.

20.88 $208.75 $
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Zino Nicaragua Short Torpedo

0 out of 5

Zino Davidoff was an adventurer and a pioneer in the cigar world. He loved to discover and enjoy life to the fullest. Inspired by his personality, we have developed a cigar line that reflects his spirit and zest for life.

9.00 $225.00 $
Select optionsThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page