Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro Cigars
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38.44 $ – 768.75 $
38.44 $ – 691.88 $
Sir Winston Churchill was a figure of remarkable abilities and complexities. From daybreak to nightfall, his exceptional talents never ceased to amaze. Confronting significant choices, forging strong alliances, and writing with wisdom – often whilst savouring a cherished cigar. It is masterfully captured the multifaceted essence of Sir Winston, crafting a cigar sourced from various regions, expertly tailored for your ideal moments during the day.
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Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro
The Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro cigars enchants with its sleek and lustrous wrapper, presenting a subtle reddish tint. This sophisticated blend, featuring a muti-origin blend, gratifies the palate with creamy underlying flavours and glimpses of lively spice and black coffee notes. With a medium-intensity profile, this cigar is an exceptional choice for connoisseurs seeking refinement and indulgence in opulent flavours.
A formidable commander, Winston Churchill brought his imposing personality to bear on the many forces and resources over which he governed. He was a colossus of a character in every sense of the word. Nothing reflects this facet of the man better than the Winston Churchill «The Original Series» toro cigar format.
Carrying the largest ring gauge in the Winston Churchill range, it is a grand cigar, from the first spicy, leathery, woody notes through the creamy, sweet influences of the Mexican binder to the final triumphant mix of flavours, courtesy of the Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from Esteli and Condegas.